Harmonium En Tournee 1977

En Tournee is a live album by French Canadian Prog rock band Harmonium.

It is a live version of their studio album L’Heptade and was recorded in Vancouver in 1977.

Harmonium En Tournee

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Songs On Harmonium En Tournee

1. Comme Un Fou
2. Chanson Noire
3. Premier Ciel
4. L’exil
5. Corridor
6. Lumiere De Vie
7. Comme Un Sage


Buying Harmonium En Tournee

It is available from Amazon.com – Amazon.co.uk

These links will help you get to the albums quickly and easily but I recommend that you still search for the best deal.

This is very well respected at progarchives.com with a rating of 4.23 which means it’s between excellent (4) and essential (5). For comparison, the great Genesis live album Seconds Out has a rating of 4.29.

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