Il Balletto di Bronzo Trys 1996

Trys is a live album by Italian progressive rock group Il Balletto di Bronzo.

It was recorded live at Progressivamente Rock Festival in Rome on September 6, 1996.

There studio album from 1972 called Ys is considered by many to be a classic of the genre.

Il Balletto di Bronzo Trys

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Songs On Il Balletto di Bronzo Trys

1. La Discesa Nel Cervello
2. Tatiere Isteriche
3. Marcia In Sol Minore
4. Donna Vittoria
5. Optical Surf Beat
6. Introduzione
7. Primo Incontro
8. Secondo Incontro
9. Terzo Incontro
10. Technoage
11. Love In The Kitchen

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Buying Il Balletto di Bronzo Trys

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