Agathocles Theatric Symbolisation of Life 1990

Theatric Symbolisation of Life is an album by Agathocles with songs recorded in the studio and live in concert.

Tracks 10 to19 were recorded at the Netwerk-club in Aalst in Belgium on the 28th of October 1990.

Agathocles Theatric Symbolisation of Life

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Songs On Agathocles Theatric Symbolisation of Life

1. Burning Water [Intro]/Lack of Personality [Studio 1991]
2. Four Walls [Studio 1991]
3. Theatric Symbolisation of Life [Studio 1991]
4. Like an Ivy [Poem]/Suffocation [Studio 1991]
5. Kill Your Fucking Idols [Studio 1991]
6. The Truth Begins Where Man Stops To Think [Studio 1991]
7. Train [Poem]/the Tree [Studio 1991]
8. What a Nerve [Studio 1991]
9. Another Trend [Studio 1991] [Alternate Take]
10. The Tree [Live 1990] [Live]
11. Let It Be For What It is [Live 1990] [Live]
12. Lack of Personality [Live 1990] [Live]
13. Theatric Symbolisation of Life [Live 1990] [Live]
14. Consuming Endoderme Pus [Live 1990] [Live]
15. Suffocation [Live 1990] [Live]
16. Four Walls [Live 1990] [Live]
17. What a Nerve [Live 1990] [Live]
18. Threshold To Senility [Live 1990] [Live]
19. Pulverised [Live 1990] [Live]


Buying Agathocles Theatric Symbolisation of Life

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